The Business Association

About the Business Association FN The Business Association of the Physics Chapter, FN, works to provide you as an F-technologist with the opportunity to get to know your possible future…

Klubbmästeriet, fkm*

…be ready at the ticket release to get a ticket! Other major events we organize annually are Nubbedraget, the Do-it-yourself-gasque, nØllepubrundan and Walpurgis pub round. Who are we? Klubbmästare Niklas…

Getting involved

…Nubbedrag, and in return you get to go to in-house parties, or go to other chapters’ parties as fkm* marshals! Read more! The Business Association The Chapter’s Business Association, FN,…

Forms and templates

…button. Contact: Authorisation during meetings – To entrust your vote (or other right) to someone you trust during a meeting. Reservation in case of a decision – To reserve…

Booking the consulate

…brought into and consumed in the consulate must be handled through Klubbmästeriet (fkm*). For more information, please contact klubbmästarna. Making a reservation works like this! 1. Check that your time…

Elected representatives in the Physics Chapter

…Detective (treasurer) Albin Wickman Lundberg F-22 Inspector (vice president) Linnea Stålberg F-23 Klubbmästeriet Klubbmästare Emil Wiktorsson F-21 Klubbmästare Katja Borelius F-22 Klubbmästare Sam Houghton F-22 The Business

The Consulate

Business Association (FN). Posters are only put up in pre-labeled poster areas, FRum may grant exceptions to this on specific grounds. The poster (i.e who put up the poster) must…