The Consulate

The Consulate is the Physics Chapter’s Chapter Hall, and is located behind the M-buildings on KTH Campus. Many physicists come here during lunch to heat their food and socialize with others. In the Consulate you can study, have coffee, play games, have a movie night, or why not just hang out there when you are bored. The Consulate is almost always lively, except in the early morning and possibly on Sundays.

The Consulate has a kettle with free tea and the possibility of cheap coffee. To make the Consulate even better, there is a candy shelf with a soft drink fridge next door. Here you can always find cheap, chilled soda and cheap confectionery or sweets, for example 6kr for a delicatobite. A freezer box with frozen food in the freezer is also linked to the candy cabinet if you don’t feel like going to Valhallavägen to buy lunch.

Rules in the Consulate

To ensure a pleasant study and casual hangout environment, the Physics Room Committee (FRum) has rules for how the Consulate is used and maintained. Please read the rules below, and if anything seems doubtful, feel free to contact FRum at so we can clarify it! The most important rules come first (revised VT19).


As the Consulate is an open environment for all section members, there is a ban on nuts on the premises. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds and pine nuts. Other typical allergens are also prohibited, so common sense is expected. In case of violation of these rules, the responsible person may be excluded from the premises.


FRum is responsible for the chapter premises, but we are not the chapter’s cleaners! The basic rule is that everyone staying in the Consulate should contribute to making it a little cleaner than it was when they arrived.

Each one’s task:

  • Wash and wipe the tables. Put the crockery in the dish racks and the cutlery in the cutlery racks. If they start to get full, you should empty them.
  • Take out the garbage and change garbage bags when they become full.
  • Clean the stove after use.
  • Clean up your own litter and other people’s forgotten dishes.
  • Report to the FRum if something is missing or not working.
  • Do not leave items on benches and tables after use. Put everything in cabinets and drawers, except for items that clearly do not belong in a cabinet or drawer.
  • Wipe down tables and benches, especially if necessary.

If one wants to make easy money, one can take the cans out of the container and go to “panta” (i.e recycle the cans). The person does whatever they wants with the money.

Personal items

  • Personal items may not be stored in the Consulate without the permission of GK. Confiscated personal items can be found either at FRum or at KTH’s lost and found department. The exception is lunch boxes, which may be stored in the FRum fridge.
  • Personal food items should be clearly labeled by name, and stored in such a way that they cannot leak. FRum reserves the right to throw anything in the fridge.
  • Unfit food is thrown away.
  • Unmarked food becomes the property of the finder
  • Unlabeled and/or unwashed food boxes become the property of FRum/is thrown away.

Posting rules

Posters in the Consulate are one of the most effective ways to reach out to chapter members. The Consulate has two poster areas, both adjacent to the entrance. Posters can be put up by members of the chapter, but you as a poster should ask for permission from GK or CdA, which can be reached most easily at Describe the content (or include it) and purpose of the poster. Posting for companies may only be done in consultation with the Business Association (FN).

  • Posters are only put up in pre-labeled poster areas, FRum may grant exceptions to this on specific grounds.
  • The poster (i.e who put up the poster) must be clearly identified on the poster.
  • Posters should be put up with adhesive pulp. It is available on the poster board or in the lower shelf of the bookcase. The poster does not use tape, as this leaves marks on the wall. If adhesive is missing, contact FRum.
  • The poster owner is responsible for taking down their poster when it is no longer relevant.
  • FRum reserves the right to take down posters without prior notice.

Booking and access

The different areas of the consulate can be booked by chapter members here. The Consulate can also be booked by external parties, but this must be done by contacting FRum. Even when the Consulate is booked, all Physicists normally have access to it, but they are expected to be considerate. However, under special circumstances, dispensation can be given by the GK. All other rules regarding the Consulate still apply when booking as long as this is reasonable.

  • Bookings of the Consulate must be approved by the FRum.
  • The person booking the Consulate is not allowed to take out any inventory (furniture, glasses, pots) without the authorization of GK.
  • If alcohol is to be served in the Consulate, this must be done in collaboration with the klubbmästeri (fkm*).
  • Bookers should leave the consulate cleaner than it was on entry. Consider this as rent.
  • Leftover food after an event may be left in the FRum fridge, but should be clearly marked as free. However, food that is unlikely to be eaten should be thrown away.
  • At the end of the event, the furniture in the premises must be restored.


  • Drinking glasses and cutlery should be taken back immediately after use if they are taken out.
  • If you want to borrow the Consulate’s equipment such as kitchen utensils, beverage decanters or similar, GK must approve this first.

The consulate’s address is Brinellvägen 89, 114 28 Stockholm. However, mail to the Chapter is always sent to the Chapter’s mailbox, see the Contact page.