Governance documents

The activities of the Chapter are regulated by the Statutes of the Physics Chapter and the Regulations of the Physics Chapter.

The Physics Chapter belongs to Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår (THS), and is thus also subject to THS statutes, regulations and policies.

The chapter also has a number of policy documents and action plans, which are listed below. Most are in Swedish, but will be translated in time to English.

Governance documents

Operational plan 2023

Framework budget 2023

Detail budgets 2023

Policy document

Personal data policy

Code of Conduct

Operational policy – Asset management of the Physics Chapter

Core values

THS alcohol policy

THS song policy

THS JML policy

Promemorior (PM)

PM for Finance
PM for Communication
PM for Committees
PM for Traditions
PM for Climate and environmental work


Physics vision 2018

Previous years’ policy and guidance documents can be found in the chapter’s Drive.