We are the Physics Chapter’s klubbmästeri, abbreviated fkm*, and we are the ones who organize most of the festivities within the chapter. Whether you want to attend our events or work in fkm*, you are very welcome to join us. Keep an eye on our Facebook page to see our upcoming events!
Our events
Our events
Every Tuesday and some Fridays, fkm* has a pub where you can treat yourself to refreshing beer, cider, cocktails or non-alcoholic options, along with perhaps the best food on campus for a cheap price. From 17:23 we open the Consulate and keep going as long as guests and staff are happy. Tuesday pubs are generally a bit more cozy, while Friday pubs are more lively.
In addition to pubs, we also hold four Tentagasques during the year, at the end of each exam period. Spots tend to run out quickly so make sure to be ready at the ticket release to get a ticket! Other major events we organize annually are Nubbedraget, the Do-it-yourself-gasque, nØllepubrundan and Walpurgis pub round.
Who are we?

President fkm*

Vice president fkm*

Treasurer fkm*
Klubbisarna are responsible for fkm* and you can turn to them if you need help during an event or have a fun idea for a theme!
Are you craving a special drink after studying? Our knowledgeable bartenders have it covered!

These masters of the kitchen always have a allergy-friendly dish up their sleeve!

The heads of one of fkm*’s biggest attractions: BADGES!

Pynth- och synthmästare
Want to request your favorite song in a pub? Flirt with the PoS masters!

Get involved as a fkm*er!
It takes more than 13 pairs of hands to put together all the fkm* events. As a fkm* member, you can sign up to work during pubs, sittings and other events. This gives you the opportunity to work with all kinds of mini masters, from standing at the bar to hanging garlands. Our fkm*ers are truly a part of the team and can participate in internal events and hangouts, including our BIG internal party at the end of the semester!
The recruitment of fkm*ers usually takes place at the beginning of the semester, but you can contact us if you are interested in working at an event! In addition to working, you may have a good idea of something you want us to do, such as a special theme for a pub, a drink that we should bring in or some other fun. If so, please send them to us!
Here are pictures of some of our dear fkm*ers:

Email us at klubbmaster@f.kth.se. Do not forget to follow our Facebook page, Physics’ klubbmästeri to get updated information!