Are you the competitive type, or a music enthusiast, maybe just enjoy the company of others? Then you should be more than happy to know that FINT, Physics International Committee, is hosting our first Music Quiz Pub, filled with music, quiz and also pub! The pub will take place on Tuesday the 2nd of November at Physics Chapter hall, Brinellvägen 89, 114 28 Stockholm. When will it start? At 17:23 of course!
To entre the quiz you simply have to be there! (There’s ever rumors of there being a prize)
Food: 20 kr
Beer/Cider: 20 kr
Non-alcoholic beverages: 10 kr
Please note: Because of our permit we need to be at least 50% members of the Physics Chapter. We cannot guarantee that there’s place for you unless you are a member or a guest to a member on the premises (one member can only have one guest on the premises at any time).
*booooo* *spooky ghost sounds* *boooo*
Scary, frightening, horrific? These mere words do not adequately describe the mouth dropping, heart pumping, sweat inducing night that will be FINTs Horror Movie Night. The Movie Night will go live on the Friday the 5th of November At Physics Chapter hall, Brinellvägen 89, 114 28 Stockholm at 20:00.
There will be snacks and drinks offered for free for everyone wishing to participate, but no food so make sure you eat in advance. If you wish to dress up for the occasion you’re than welcome to do so, something scary or in theme with the season.
This event if completely free of charge and to join you simply have to fill in the quick and easy questionnaire below.
If you got any questions, simply contact: international@f.kth.se
Please note: Because of our permit we need to be at least 50% members of the Physics Chapter. We cannot guarantee that there’s place for you unless you are a member or a guest to a member on the premises (one member can only have one guest on the premises at any time).