Response to Motions SM1 Now the documents have been updated with the Chapter Board’s response to the motions! There you can read the board’s proposals based on the submitted motions. Documents SM1. The chapter meeting is on Wednesday, so remember to sign up for food by 12 PM on Tuesday!...
Läs merDocuments SM1
Documents SM1 Here are the documents for this year’s first chapter meeting, SM1! Documents SM1. At the meeting, a by-election for the post of portfolio manager will be held, and you can run on-site or via email to In addition, we will consider several motions on budget changes for different committees, potentially create...
Läs merProtocol STYM1
Protocol STYM1 Hi hi chapter! Here comes the protocol for STYM1 where we dealt with detailed budgets, elected standard bearers, communication administrators and guest members, and also joined the New Dekis Association. We also confirmed officials with significant financial responsibility. More details can be found in Protocol STYM1 Happy reading!...
Läs merSM1 Summons
SM1 Summons It is finally time for the first chapter meeting of the year, SM1! At SM1, by-elections will be held for the post of portfolio manager. The portfolio manager is responsible for the chapter’s asset management and leads the work for the group F.Cap by convening meetings, appointing internal posts, and nominating members...
Läs merDocuments STYM1 2025
Documents STYM1 2025 Hello Chapter! The first chapter board meeting of the year is now on Monday 2/10 at 17:23 in the group room in The Chapter Hall Konsulatet. There we will discuss detailed budgets, elect flag-bearers, communication administrators, and guest members, as well as join the New Dekis Association. More info can be...
Läs merSummons STYM1
STYM1 Summons With both the holidays and the examination period behind us, we hope everyone has had a good start to 2025 and feels hyped for the new operational year. The Chapter Board welcomes all chapter members to our first chapter board meeting, STYM1! At STYM1, the Chapter Board will address detailed budgets, elect...
Läs merProtocol SM6
Protocol SM6 Hello Chapter! Hope exam studies are going well, here is the protocol from SM6! A bit delayed as tradition over Christmas :) Thank you for 2024! Protocol SM6...
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