Elected representatives in the Physics Chapter

…F-22 Committee representatives The Activity Committee aktivitet@f.kth.se President Andrey Komarov F-22 oFAN@f.kth.se Vice president Felicia von Lindern F-23 vaFAN@f.kth.se Fysikalens staff management (2025) fysikalen@f.kth.se Commissary (president) Linnea Stålberg F-23 fysikalen@f.kth.se…

FINT Wants you!

…are hosting 3 events, 9th of August, 29th of August and 8th of September. Everything is completely voluntary and we mostly need help with – Cooking and preparing food –…

The chapter board

The Physics chapter is led by the chapter’s board. The board mainly works with the general administration and supports the chapters’ committees in their work. The board also represent the…

The Communication Committee, Fcom

About the Communication Committee Fcom The Physics Chapter’s Communication Board, also called Fcom, works to support the chapter in everything that is communication related. Our main task is to maintain…

The Reception

…reception ensures that new students get the best possible start to their studies! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Reception at mottagningen@f.kth.se. Greetings, the Reception!…

Physics room committee

About the Physics Room Committee FRum The Physics Room Committee, also called FRum, is responsible for the Physics Chapter’s chapter hall, the Consulate, and also the chapter car. The top…