About the Chapter

Welcome to the F-Chapter! The Physics Chapter is a part of the Student Union at KTH (THS) and brings together all students studying Engineering Physics and Engineering Mathematics, as well…

The Consulate

…better, there is a candy shelf with a soft drink fridge next door. Here you can always find cheap, chilled soda and cheap confectionery or sweets, for example 6kr for…

The Study Commitee, FSN

…teachers and students on the program, and in addition to collecting opinions, they also write course evaluations after completing the course. FSN also organizes study-related events, helps students with student

Winter Osqvik

🌟 Winter Osqvik Event 🌟 On Sunday 15 of December, the International Committees of the Data, Media and Physics Chapters, plus THS Main want to bring you an ultra-cheap event…

Elected representatives in the Physics Chapter

…Wahlund F-23 The Study Committee fsn@f.kth.se President Oliver Källström F-23 sno@f.kth.se Vice president David Magnusson F-24 vsno@f.kth.se Program responsible student (CTFYS) Zofia Lukasiewicz F-23 pas@f.kth.se Program responsible student (CTMAT) Oscar…

Klubbmästeriet, fkm*

…Fridays, fkm* has a pub where you can treat yourself to refreshing beer, cider, cocktails or non-alcoholic options, along with perhaps the best food on campus for a cheap price….

Governance documents

The activities of the Chapter are regulated by the Statutes of the Physics Chapter and the Regulations of the Physics Chapter. The Physics Chapter belongs to Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår (THS),…

Booking the consulate

…or where the number of participants exceeds 50 people must be reported in advance to KTH someone who has completed KTH’s FEST and fire training. Please note that all alcohol…

Summons STYM6

Summons STYM6 It’s time for this year’s last chapter board meeting, STYM6! We will go through a number of Per Capsulam decisions, update attestations in the memo for Economy, update…