The Consulate

…better, there is a candy shelf with a soft drink fridge next door. Here you can always find cheap, chilled soda and cheap confectionery or sweets, for example 6kr for…

About the Chapter

…quite tight. That problem was solved by assembling the curriculum from subjects that already existed at KTH. The second major problem was the lack of space. The Student Union did…

Winter Osqvik

🌟 Winter Osqvik Event 🌟 On Sunday 15 of December, the International Committees of the Data, Media and Physics Chapters, plus THS Main want to bring you an ultra-cheap event…

Klubbmästeriet, fkm*

…Fridays, fkm* has a pub where you can treat yourself to refreshing beer, cider, cocktails or non-alcoholic options, along with perhaps the best food on campus for a cheap price….

Governance documents

…and is thus also subject to THS statutes, regulations and policies. The chapter also has a number of policy documents and action plans, which are listed below. Most are in…

Booking the consulate

…80D) (1), Konsulatet-B-Hela Konsulatet (149), (Bil)-Konsulatet-Sektionsbilen (7), Konsulatet-B-Köket (6) Fysikalen har sitt sista genomdrag innan första föreställningsperioden. Nästan alla Fysikalens medlemmar är därför upptagna. See more details Genomdrag 3 Genomdrag…

Summons STYM6

Summons STYM6 It’s time for this year’s last chapter board meeting, STYM6! We will go through a number of Per Capsulam decisions, update attestations in the memo for Economy, update…

SM1 Summons

…the second reading of the name change for the chapter’s pre-election to the chapter election will occur. Lastly, a number of motions regarding changes in the framework budget for different…