Action plan and code of conduct

The Physics Chapter should be a chapter that is inclusive and safe for everyone. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and should feel welcome and safe at…

International Committee

…down below. Apart from being a great way to have fun and make new friends and experiences, by engaging with us you can also earn 0.2 bonus GPA points when…

Governance documents

…Swedish, but will be translated in time to English. Governance documents Operational plan 2023 Framework budget 2023 Detail budgets 2023 Policy document Personal data policy Code of Conduct Operational policy…

Summons STYM4

Summons STYM4 A warm welcome to the last chapter board meeting of the semester, STYM4! Are you wondering how the chapter’s finances have looked so far? Then you are especially…

About the Chapter

Welcome to the F-Chapter! The Physics Chapter is a part of the Student Union at KTH (THS) and brings together all students studying Engineering Physics and Engineering Mathematics, as well…

The Communication Committee, Fcom

…addition, you are always welcome to attend council meetings, and to join any of the council’s subgroups; the FArt design group, the Force editorial team, and the programming group….