Getting involved

How nice that you want to get involved in the Physics Chapter!

Special information for international students:

On Tuesdays there are Physics pubs at Brinellvägen 89 at KTH Campus.

For masters representative look here.

If you wish to do volunteer work in the chapter and don’t speak Swedish, we suggest that you join FINT, the chapter’s International Committee, because all of their internal communication is done in English. Fill out this form to join, and we will get back to you ASAP!

For any questions about the chapter, contact

Most of our work is done through our committees and it is mainly to them that you should turn if you feel that you want to do something with the section. In the committees, you can do everything from working in a pub with the Klubbmästeriet, to organizing a canoe trip in the Stockholm archipelago with the Aktivitetsnämnden.

Many of the committees have their own Facebook groups, where most of the communication takes place, so make sure to join them (don’t be afraid! 🙂 ) if you want to keep up with what’s going on. If you’re not sure which committee to contact, you can always contact the board for anything big or small!

The Reception

The reception is responsible for the chapter’s annual reception of new students to Engineering Physics and Engineering Mathematics. You can apply every year in the spring (~March/April) to become a “förfadder”, “fadder” (THS calls them “buddies”), party organizer, or other roles during the reception. Read more!

The Activity Committee

Arrange movie nights, outdoor excursions, or why not take over the KTH hall with the chapter on a Thursday night. The Activity Committee comes up with all kinds of fun events. Read more!


Fysikalen is the Physics Chapter’s spex, here you can help set up another edition of the spex through the different spex groups. Examples are orchestra, script, costume, dance, PR, decor, party & fun, and many more! Read more!


Help out at a Tuesday pub, or why not organize a pub yourself with a few friends? Through fkm* you also get to work at parties, such as the infamous Nubbedrag, and in return you get to go to in-house parties, or go to other chapters’ parties as fkm* marshals! Read more!

The Business Association

The Chapter’s Business Association, FN, manages almost all of the chapter’s contact with the business community. Get in touch with the committee via if you are interested in expanding the chapter’s contact network with industry! Read more!

The Study Committee

The Physics Chapter’s Study Committee, FSN, is the part of the chapter that manages the members’ study life. Through FSN you can become a year representative, or course evaluation board, and improve the quality of your course when you take it! Read more!

The Communications Committee

The communication committee Fcom is responsible for, among other things, PR for chapter events, profile items (hoodies, badges, etc.), the chapter’s magazine The Force, and this website! Read more!

The Equality Committee

The Physics Chapter’s Equality Board, JämN, works with equality issues within the chapter. They facilitate discussions on diversity and equal treatment and support the work of KTH and THS in this area. Read more!

The Physics room committee

The physics room committee, FRum, is the chapter’s local committee. They are the ones who make sure that the chapter hall the Consulate looks reasonably clean, and take care of the candy cabinet in the hall. At FRum it is easiest to help if you pick up after yourself, or why not clean a little extra when you feel you have time. Read more!

The International Committee

The International Committee promotes increased involvement in the chapter’s activities among international students in the physics chapter’s affiliated master programs. We do this, among other things, by arranging events that are conducted entirely in English. Read more!