NEONPUB med fkm*
…gäller sektionsmedlem och +1. _________________________ Friday 15 October 2021, Brinellvägen 89, 114 28 Stockholm Welcome to fkm*’s first ever friday pub since last year! This time, the theme will be…
Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår
…gäller sektionsmedlem och +1. _________________________ Friday 15 October 2021, Brinellvägen 89, 114 28 Stockholm Welcome to fkm*’s first ever friday pub since last year! This time, the theme will be…
…här: Ses där! —English— Joulemiddagen is FRum’s annual Christmas dinner and you’re welcome! The dinner will be held on December 17 in Konsulatet and starts at 19:00. Entry with…
…detta innan evenemanget så att du snabbt kan visa upp beviset vid behov. ——————————————————————————– Welcome to the first fkm* pub of the year – come get a taste of what the…