Julpub med fkm*

…to everything between Silent night and (if you’re lucky) some bangin’ classic Swedish Christmas songs. Family dinners and boring gift exchanges are so 2020 – if you wanna celebrate Christmas,…


…register at this link: https://forms.gle/Vye2tefuxkABJ4KD9 🧛🏻‍♂️ DRESS CODE 🧛🏻‍♂️ Dress up as the most scary thing you can imagine! 💸 PRICE 💸 130/180 – alcohol free/alcohol When registering you also…


…och handlingsplaner, som finns listade nedan. Styrdokument Verksamhetsplan Rambudget Detaljbudgetar Policydokument Personuppgiftspolicy (In english: Privacy policy) Uppförandepolicy (In english: Code of Conduct) Verksamhetspolicy – Fysiksektionens Kapitalförvaltning Alkoholpolicy Promemorior (PM) PM för…