Lunchföreläsning med Ericsson om Cybersäkerhet

Välkommen till en spännande lunchföreläsning med Ericsson om Cybersäkerhet!
Tid: 12.15 – 13.00
Datum: 9 februari 2022
Länk: här!

Cyber Security at Ericsson: Ensuring secure global connectivity

Johan Boström graduated last year from Uppsala University and holds a MSc in Information Technology, he has a long background in the security domain starting from his time with the Swedish Armed Forces. He currently holds a position of security specialist in Ericsson providing insight and support in the many of the different security domains of Ericsson. In this presentation he will showcase the different domains and the challenges associated with them.

Föreläsningen kommer att hållas digitalt via Teams. Vi hörs den 9:e!