FINT Wants You!

We at FINT – Physics International are collaborating with THS International reception.
Together we’re welcoming over 2500 international students with around 80 students to the Physics Chapter.
We at FINT are hosting 3 events, 9th of August, 29th of August and 8th of September.

Everything is completely voluntary and we mostly need help with
– Cooking and preparing food
– Cleaning, carrying and organizing
– Hosting activities, answering general questions and socializing.

The perks are plentiful. Not only will you help to make this the best reception and have my everlasting gratitude, but you’ll also get to meet people from all around the world and get the chance to make long-lasting friendships. Working for a nonprofit organization is also meritorious by many employers and you’ll develop both social skills and language skills because of the cultural differences and language barriers.

If you help out enough, you’ll also be eligible for a certificate of 0.2 GPA added to your total when applying for exchange studies abroad.*

If you have any questions please don’t refrain to ask FINTO/vFINTO at and if you’re interested please fill in this form:

*The certificate will last for 2 admission periods, must meet all grade requirements and can not be stacked (please stop asking me this!).

TLDR: fill in the form. help out. get friends and free GPA points. contact me if unclear.