…prize of 10 000 €. From participation you will also receive a certificate, for which universities are usually willing to give one or more credits. Read more: https://junction2021.com/ Apply here:https://app.hackjunction.com/events/junction-2021…
…register at this link: https://forms.gle/Vye2tefuxkABJ4KD9 🧛🏻♂️ DRESS CODE 🧛🏻♂️ Dress up as the most scary thing you can imagine! 💸 PRICE 💸 130/180 – alcohol free/alcohol When registering you also…
…between tables. Proof of vaccination is required for entry. The after party will end at 22:30. PRICE? From 140 kr; see the registration form below. DRESS CODE? Guests are invited…
…22 januari 2022 klockan 18:30. Gasquen börjar 19:00. Det vanliga efterköret börjar 22:00 och slutar 01:30! Betalning sker på plats genom swish! VAR? Konsulatet, Brinellvägen 89. VARFÖR? Eftersom. KLÄDKOD? Strikt…
…och handlingsplaner, som finns listade nedan. Styrdokument Verksamhetsplan Rambudget Detaljbudgetar Policydokument Personuppgiftspolicy (In english: Privacy policy) Uppförandepolicy (In english: Code of Conduct) Verksamhetspolicy – Fysiksektionens Kapitalförvaltning Alkoholpolicy Promemorior (PM) PM för…