Wednesday 8th September 17.23 in the Consulate
Do you want to hone your IKEA-furniture building skills? Welcome to the Physics Chapter’s IKEA-themed pub at Konsulatet! Apart from buying drinks & food and mingling, you will also be able to compete in a furniture-building competition along with a Quiz.
Note that this event will prioritize students who are studying the following Masters programmes: Engineering Physics, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Mathematics and Nuclear Energy Engineering. However, everyone is of course welcome (subject to
Food: ~20 kr
Beer: 20 kr
Cider: 20 kr
Non-alcoholic beverages: 10 kr
Finer non-alcoholic beverages: 20 kr
Please note: because of our permit we need to be at least 50% members of the Physics Chapter. We cannot guarantee that there’s place for you unless you are a member or a guest to a member on the premises (one member can only have one guest on the premises at any time).
The amount of seats in the Consulate is currently limited because of the current restrictions. To know how many are in the Consulate during any moment of the pub, to know if there are seats left, please check out the Consulate Counter: f.kth.se/counter.