FINTs Holiday events

Hoo Hoo Hoo!

The Holidays is just around the corner and we in FINT are hosting 3 fun, holiday-themed events!

“Bake your way into the Holiday! with FINT!”Swedish Christmas tradition has a lot of themed snacks and candies and at this event, we will go through some and teach you how to make them. There will, of course, be time to consume these lovely treats together with some “glögg”

Date: Sunday the 27th of November.
Time: 14:00
Location: Gasquen, Nymble 
Price: 30 kr – pay at the spot
Sign up – HERE

“Cozy Christmas at Skansen!”
We’ll enter together at 12:00 and then you’ll be free to explore the site and maybe buy some gifts for friends and family.
Bring warm clothes, something to drink, a camera, and maybe some extra money.
The entry fee is 100kr to get into Skansen (ordinarily 200kr, FINT pays half of it).

What is Skansen?
Skansen is the world’s oldest open-air museum, giving visitors a first-person experience with historical Swedish homesteads and Nordic wildlife.
In winter it hosts a very popular and cozy Christmas Market, which sells Christmas delicacies, local craftsmanship, and some tasty food/drink like “glögg” and “kolbullar”.

You can stroll around the market, visit old houses and farmsteads, and try to spot some unusual native fauna!

When: December 4th at 12:00
Where: Meet-up outside Skansen, please be there by 12:00!
Entry fee: 100kr
Sign up: HERE

“Ice Skating with FINT!”
Every year during the holidays, the city turns the prettiest park Stockholm has to offer into an ice rink. FINT is inviting you to go ice skating with us, for free! We will also bring fika! Bring warm clothes and especially gloves. If you have your own ice skates, make sure to bring those. 

Where: Kungsträdgården, Stockholm City.
When: 8th of December at 17:23
Price: Free!
Sign up – Here

Any questions? Send them to

Best regards,
Mattias through FINT