Project Destination is recruiting!
Project Destination is recruiting new team members, are you ready for a new adventure? The Project Destination team will: Create business events with companies for students with the aim to…
Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår
Project Destination is recruiting new team members, are you ready for a new adventure? The Project Destination team will: Create business events with companies for students with the aim to…
…efterköret gäller sektionsmedlem och +1 Vill du komma på gasquen – anmäl dig via denna länk: Nobody knew when it was built, or even when it was abandoned. However,…
…between tables. Proof of vaccination is required for entry. The after party will end at 22:30. PRICE? From 140 kr; see the registration form below. DRESS CODE? Guests are invited…
…22 januari 2022 klockan 18:30. Gasquen börjar 19:00. Det vanliga efterköret börjar 22:00 och slutar 01:30! Betalning sker på plats genom swish! VAR? Konsulatet, Brinellvägen 89. VARFÖR? Eftersom. KLÄDKOD? Strikt…
…och handlingsplaner, som finns listade nedan. Styrdokument Verksamhetsplan Rambudget Detaljbudgetar Policydokument Personuppgiftspolicy (In english: Privacy policy) Uppförandepolicy (In english: Code of Conduct) Verksamhetspolicy – Fysiksektionens Kapitalförvaltning Alkoholpolicy Promemorior (PM) PM för…
…som är inuti Konsulatet, och därmed veta om det finns lediga platser, genom Konsulatets så kallade Counter: Welcome to the first student theatre-pub of the new school year! Come…
…have a different educational background. Mentoring is about asking questions, listening, reflecting and discovering new perspectives. As a mentee in the Program, you are expected to meet with your mentor…
…and Twitter Do you want to take your idea to the next level? KTH Innovation is looking for 15 new teams to spend a year developing their ideas in the…
…kan visa upp beviset vid behov. This Tuesday, the physics chapter is trying out new chapter drinks! We have about 10 different ones to try out, and there will be…
…be fun!The plan is to recruit new fkm*-workers during the pub.Because of current restrictions only seated service is allowed of groups of at most eight people with a meter between…