
…efterköret gäller sektionsmedlem och +1 Vill du komma på gasquen – anmäl dig via denna länk: https://forms.gle/Vye2tefuxkABJ4KD9 Nobody knew when it was built, or even when it was abandoned. However,…


…och handlingsplaner, som finns listade nedan. Styrdokument Verksamhetsplan Rambudget Detaljbudgetar Policydokument Personuppgiftspolicy (In english: Privacy policy) Uppförandepolicy (In english: Code of Conduct) Verksamhetspolicy – Fysiksektionens Kapitalförvaltning Alkoholpolicy Promemorior (PM) PM för…


…be fun!The plan is to recruit new fkm*-workers during the pub.Because of current restrictions only seated service is allowed of groups of at most eight people with a meter between…