Lunchföreläsning om robotsimulering med MATLAB och Simulink

Välkommen till en lunchföreläsning organiserad av MATLAB@KTH och! Det kommer finnas gratis mat och MathWorks merch för alla som matanmäler sig HÄR.
Tid: Onsdag 27 april 12:15 -13:00
Plats: V1, Teknikringen 76

Robot Simulation using MATLAB and Simulink

MATLAB, one of the most widely used tools by both professional engineers and students, can be employed to develop physical models of industrial machinery. This event is an introduction to physical modeling in MATLAB and Simulink where you can learn which features are offered. Different applications and use cases will be presented, along with a description of the necessary toolboxes. The work at IPercept Technology, a startup founded by KTH alumni, will also be presented.

The presenters are Lezly Dávila and Roberto Rossi, who are both KTH students doing their master thesis at IPercept Technology.