Project Destination is recruiting!
Project Destination is recruiting new team members, are you ready for a new adventure? The Project Destination team will: Create business events with companies for students with the aim to…
Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår
Project Destination is recruiting new team members, are you ready for a new adventure? The Project Destination team will: Create business events with companies for students with the aim to…
Culture clash! FINT and JämN, the Physics chapter international and equality committees, invite you to a brand new kind of lunch lecture; Culture Clash! Do you want to know more…
…efterköret gäller sektionsmedlem och +1 Vill du komma på gasquen – anmäl dig via denna länk: Nobody knew when it was built, or even when it was abandoned. However,…
…between tables. Proof of vaccination is required for entry. The after party will end at 22:30. PRICE? From 140 kr; see the registration form below. DRESS CODE? Guests are invited…
…22:00 and ends at 01:30. WHERE? Konsulatet, the Physics Chapter Hall. Brinellvägen 89! WHY? cuz DRESS CODE? No weirdness allowed! Strictly un-crazy clothing is allowed. REGISTER THROUGH THIS LINK:…
…policydokument och handlingsplaner, som finns listade nedan. Styrdokument Verksamhetsplan Rambudget Detaljbudgetar Policydokument Personuppgiftspolicy (In english: Privacy policy) Uppförandepolicy (In english: Code of Conduct) Verksamhetspolicy – Fysiksektionens Kapitalförvaltning Promemorior (PM) PM…
Nu öppnar ansökan till mottagningens andra rekryteringsomgång! All information nås på denna länk. Var med i mottagningen 2024! De kommande tre veckorna har du chansen att söka till fadder, matberedare…
…post! Rykande färskt skvaller kan du få i kanalen ~valvakan-2024, där kommer det skickas ett meddelande så fort någon har sökt något i valet. Simma lugnt! 🌊 // Valberedningen 2024…
…som är inuti Konsulatet, och därmed veta om det finns lediga platser, genom Konsulatets så kallade Counter: Welcome to the first student theatre-pub of the new school year! Come…
…have a different educational background. Mentoring is about asking questions, listening, reflecting and discovering new perspectives. As a mentee in the Program, you are expected to meet with your mentor…